LAWN MOWING contractor FAQ’s

What is 1300 LAWN MOWING?

1300 LAWN MOWING is Australia's fastest growing connection service for local, qualified LAWN MOWING contractors. 1300 LAWN MOWING is not a franchise, and not just a phone number. All LAWN MOWING contractors subscribed to the network control the rights to the number in their area.

Just what do I get when I sign up for 1300 LAWN MOWING?

When you sign up for 1300 LAWN MOWING, you gain exclusive access to Australia's most powerful LAWN MOWING phone number in your area.

How many subscribers will there be in a given postcode?

There is a maximum of one LAWN MOWING contractor per postcode to ensure customers get quick service.

What does it cost to subscribe to the 1300 LAWN MOWING service?

The price to subscribe to 1300 LAWN MOWING varies substantially, depending on your desired postcode(s). The population of a particular postcode is the major factor influencing its price. In short, the lower the population of a postcode, the lower its price. Working class areas or affluent areas have absolutely no bearing on price. To view pricing, please visit our registration/pricing section.

The only other cost associated with the 1300 LAWN MOWING service is the inbound phone calls. All calls generated from 1300 LAWN MOWING will be billed separately on a monthly basis. Again, this cost varies depending on the number of inbound calls you receive.

Can I subscribe to multiple postcodes?

Yes, you can subscribe to as many postcodes as you wish. You must be able to efficiently service your subscribed postcodes.

Can I get a discounted rate if I subscribe to multiple postcodes?

Although it is anticipated that the demand for the 1300 LAWN MOWING number will be strong and most available locations will be secured in a short time span, we may consider reducing rates for some multiple postcodes.

What if another lawn mowing contractor has already subscribed to my desired postcode?

As there is total exclusivity to each and every postcode, the only option left is to contact us to be put on our 'waiting list'. If the current subscriber surrenders their subscription, or their subscription is taken away from them, the next LAWN MOWING contractor on the waiting list will be offered that area. To be placed on the waiting list, please call us.

How is 1300 LAWN MOWING marketed?

You decide on the level of marketing for your area. This should be done on all advertising material, business cards, letterheads and especially your work vehicle.

You simply include the 1300 LAWN MOWING logo as a co-brand to your existing business name and phone number(s). The main objective is for you to capture new local business, business you may not necessarily have captured.

As 1300 LAWN MOWING is easy to remember, it will always be 'first in mind' for when people require a LAWN MOWING contractor. They can simply pick up the phone, not the phonebook, and call you!

Do I have to change my business name?

No. 1300 LAWN MOWING is simply an additional telephone number people can call you on to help capture additional business you may not have necessarily acquired. You can promote your company name simultaneously with the phone number.

What is the cost of advertising?

You determine how much and where you want to spend money promoting your services, but now you have 'the ultimate marketing weapon' to make your advertising dollars work much harder for you.

How can I get started?

Click Here to register your interest for your desired postcode, or call us on 1300 529 666 and we can bring 1300 LAWN MOWING to life in your postcode in no time at all!

Is this a franchise?

No, but we consider 1300 LAWN MOWING as the "affordable alternative" to a franchise, without the large investment or royalties to be paid that many organizations require to get involved.

Where will calls dialed to 1300 LAWN MOWING in my subscription postcode ring?

Directly into your office or mobile phone! It's your choice. The intelligent telephone routing system delivers calls directly to you depending on the desired postcode of the caller. So your customers can receive the same great service with a number they can't forget!

Does subscribing to 1300 LAWN MOWING mean you're franchising-away the name and control of your business?

Of course not. Your current telephone number(s) all remain the same. 1300 LAWN MOWING is simply an additional telephone number customers can call to reach you. The relationship you have with your current telecommunications provider remains the same.

Do I have to change my telephone number and service provider?

Of course not. Your current telephone number(s) all remain the same. 1300 LAWN MOWING is simply an additional telephone number customers can call to reach you. The relationship you have with your current telecommunications provider remains the same.

Will the subscription fee change during the term of the agreement?

No. Your subscription fee is fixed for the full three year term of the agreement. At the end of the term you have first option to renew at a discounted rate to the then current fee.

Why is this better than advertising in the telephone directory or the local newspaper?

With a memorable number like 1300 LAWN MOWING, customers will call you first, without going to the telephone directory or local newspaper. So there is less chance that they will shop the competition. You should feature the 1300 LAWN MOWING number in all your ads to make them stand out from all the others. This is your unique marketing advantage.

How long can I keep using 1300 LAWN MOWING?

The number is exclusively yours as long as you maintain your account in good standing. All agreements are for a minimum 36 month period. At the end of the term you have first option to renew on similar terms.

During the entire period, you enjoy all the benefits 1300 LAWN MOWING provides, and all of your competitors will miss out!

How does this affect branding?

Again, you control branding because you get to promote your company name simultaneously with the phone number. As 1300 LAWN MOWING becomes known all over the country the value to your business will continue to increase.

Do I need a new telephone line and additional software or hardware?

No. Calls are simply delivered to your current number on the phone of your choice. It may be to your mobile phone, your office phone or even your home phone. Therefore, there is no need for a new telephone line, software or hardware.